Real Estate Information System (REALIS)
Is an internet-based system that gives subscribers access to real estate information anytime, anywhere
Provides timely and comprehensive information on the Singapore property market which are not available elsewhere
Contains statistics such as the property price indices, vacancy rates, median rental, transacted prices, supply, the sale status, etc on private residential, commercial and industrial properties.
Includes functions which subscribers can download data, perform computations of multiple statistical series online and do cross-tabulation of data.

Subscribers can access the information from any location with internet connections, all that is needed are the username and password, no special software or hardware are needed
You can view the user-friendly features of REALIS by clicking HERE.

The data are classified into 4 distinct categories, namely, the Timeseries, Project, Transaction and Stock database.

1) Time Series Database

Contains More than 1,300 time series with the residential property price index going as far back as 1975!
  All the time series are available from the very day the data was first compiled.
  Price indices, rental indices, stock and vacancy, supply in the pipeline, sales and launches.

Special Features Users can search for the required time series by the type of data, property type and location and view the data in graphical or tabular formats.
  Users can download the data in CSV (comma-separated value) format which can be used with Microsoft Excel, Access and other software.
  Users can build expressions with the time series (e.g. dividing the number of sold units by the number of launched units) using the multiple-series analysis tool.

2) Project Database

Contains Information on all private residential projects with more than 4 units which are newly-completed or in the pipeline are available.
  Details like the planning approval status, the number of units launched and sold, the construction status, expected date of TOP, etc. are available.
  Information on commercial and industrial projects are also included. Details like the name of the developer the size of the project, the date of issue of written permission, etc. are available.

Special Features Users can search for projects by the name of the project, property type, location (planning region, planning area, postal district, postal sector and street name), size of project and construction status.
  Users can also select the details they prefer to see on the projects selected.
  Users can copy the output onto Microsoft applications for your own analysis

3) Transaction Database

Contains Compilation of the key details of caveats lodged at the Singapore Land Registry since 1995 for the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.
  Details like the address of the property, type of sale (whether sold by developer or resale), tenure of land, the unit size, the transacted price, the date of transaction, etc are available.
  The data are updated twice a month to ensure that you get the most current information.

Special Features Users can search by location (planning areas, postal codes, street names), contract date, type of property, transacted prices, etc.
  Users can also cross-tabulate data using the data analysis function.
  Users can also download the data onto Excel spreasheets for their analysis and bring the data with them in their pocket PCs.

4) Stock Database

Contains Information on vacancy rate, available floor space ,occcupied floor space, median rental by planning subzones are available for commercial and industrial properties.
  Information on the number of units by individual projects are available for residential properties.

Special Features Users can retrieve data based on their preferred criterion and create cross-tabulated data.
  Users can copy the output onto Microsoft applications for your own analysis

For all these comprehensive information, you only need to pay $150 per month! If you subscribe to more than 1 account, we offer you discount on the fees for all the subsequent accounts you subscribe.

1st Account $150 per month -
2nd Account $100 per month You save $600 per year!
3rd Account $100 per month You save $1200 per year!
> 4th Account $ 50 per month You save more than $2,400 a year!

You will need to subscribe for a minimum period of 1 year, during which any new data or features introduced in REALIS will be given to you for free! So subscribe early!

To find out more, call us at 6329 3456 or drop us an email at ura_REALIS@ura.gov.sg

You will not be able to access REALIS from 12 midnight to 1am Singapore Time (UTC/GMT + 8 hours)
every day as the REALIS server will be shutdown for maintenance.

© 2001 Urban Redevelopment Authority. 45 Maxwell Road, The URA Centre, Singapore 069118